From Rainbow Madonnas to Rainbow Families: LGBTQ Protest Movements in Poland and Hungary
Monday, October 25, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
OnlineFree but register in advance
The discriminative politics and hateful rhetoric of the Hungarian and Polish authoritarian governments have put the local LGBTQ communities under increased attacks in recent years. Polish municipalities have declared themselves “LGBT-free zones” and prosecuted the protesting activists. Meanwhile, the Hungarian parliament revised the constitution to legally establish that in a family “the mother is a woman, the father a man,” and also passed a law that bans the “promotion” of sexual orientation in schools and in other public institutions. This panel, with the participation of artists, activists, and scholars, will discuss the different ways in which these illiberal states limit the rights and affect the everyday lives of the LGTBQ communities, and explore the strategies with which artists, lawyers, and organizers challenge these state implemented restrictions and oppressive ideologies.
Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram, human rights lawyer (Poland); 2021 World Fellow
Agnieszka Holland, film director (Poland)
Bartosz Staszewski, artist and activist (Poland)
Kriszta Székely, theater director (Hungary)
Zsolt Szekeres, senior legal officer (Hungary)
Convener and Moderator: Anikó Szűcs, Postdoctoral Associate (REEES Program, Yale)
Zoom Registration:
Attributions of Photographers:
Agnieszka Holland – Photographer Jacek Poremba
Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram – Photographer Maciej Zienkiewicz
Szekeres Zsolt – Photographer István Bielik
Kriszta Székely – Photographer Áron Süveg
Bart Staszewski – Photographer Bart Staszewski
Open To:
Arts and Humanities, Cultural and International, Law, Politics and Society, Panel Discussions and RoundtablesSponsor:
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Program; European Studies Council at the MacMillan CenterContact:
European Studies CouncilEmail: