Political Competition as a Trigger for Instability in Africa
Monday, November 29, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
OnlineFree but register in advance
This webinar will explore how political competition devolve to destabilizing conflicts in Africa and the peculiar elements that make these trend rampant. It will interrogate various conflicts in the region and the nature of interventions that were deployed to address them. It will further explore the relevant steps and reforms needed to prevent these conflicts. It will also rely on firsthand account of mediators and political leaders in the panel to analyze the place of leadership and altruism in ensuring national stability and healthy democratic competition.
HE Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President Federal Republic of Nigeria (AU Special Envoy to Ethiopia)
HE Mme Aminata Touré, Former Prime Minister of Republic of Senegal
Udo Ilo, 2021 World Fellow
Elinda Labropoulou, 2021 World Fellow