Xolani Zitha

Xolani Zitha is National Advisor at Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Zimbabwe where he focuses on managing projects focused on building the institutional capacity of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) and Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (ZACC). Previously, Xolani was Director of the Office of the Speaker for the Parliament of Zimbabwe and an independent governance consultant. He also previously served as Chief of Staff to Lovemore Moyo, the Speaker of the House of Assembly in Zimbabwe from January 2009 to June 2013. He advised the Speaker on efforts to modernize Zimbabwe’s Parliament and strengthen its policy functions. Xolani previously directed the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, an…

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Gavin Sheppard

Gavin Sheppard is an innovative cultural entrepreneur who uses art and music as tools for youth inclusion and economic growth. The Remix Project, which he co-founded in 2006, was created in order to help level the playing field for young people from disadvantaged, marginalized, and under-served communities. The Remix Project provides top-notch alternative, creative, educational programs, facilitators and facilities to at-risk youth wanting to enter the creative industries. This program model has been replicated internationally, and Gavin has been an architect of and has helped to create a hemispheric network of youth arts organizations to promote best practices. Gavin is also Founder of Public Records, Inc., a Toronto-based record label,…

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Sati Rasuanto

Sati Rasuanto is the Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer of VIDA, a digital identity company based in Jakarta that promotes digital trust and inclusion. She was previously the founding Managing Director of Endeavor in Indonesia, an organization that supports a global network of high-impact entrepreneurs by helping them scale up their leadership and companies by connecting them to networks, knowledge, talent, and investors, and by providing them with a platform to give back to the next generation of entrepreneurs. Previously, as Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, Sati helped shape Indonesia's development agenda and formulated strategies to increase investment flows into the country. She…

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Siobhan Cleary

Siobhan Cleary is Director of Capital Markets Engagement for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the pre-eminent international sustainability standards setter. In this role she is responsible for driving adoption of the GRI Standards by capital market actors and reinforcing the significance of ESG disclosure in capital markets. She is also an independent non-executive director of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). Previously she worked as Head of Research and Public Policy at the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) and as Director of Strategy and Public Policy at the JSE. Her areas of expertise include capital market development and sustainability. She has written on this topic for—amongst others—the UNEP FI Inquiry into…

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Jacob Ritvo

Jacob Ritvo is Head of Consumer Product Marketing at Facebook. He was previously Education and Policy Industry Marketing Lead at Twitter, serving as Twitter's primary expert on the education and politics verticals and working to align its value proposition with customers in those industries. Before that he lead marketing and operations at 2ndLine.tv, a performing arts technology startup that was acquired. Earlier in his career, Jacob served as Congressman Pete Visclosky's Director of Communications, as Congresswoman Grace Napolitano's Press Secretary and Legislative Assistant, and in Senator Chuck Schumer's press office, as well as a variety of political campaigns. Jacob has a BA in sociology from Cornell and an MBA in…

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Marcelo Furtado

Marcelo Furtado has over 30 years of experience working in the sustainability field, committed to advancing environmental and social justice through advocacy and philanthropy. Most recently, he became a Principal at Finance for Biodiversity leading the food transition initiative and co-leading the secretariat of the Task Force on Nature Markets. He was a founding partner at the start-up ZCO2/BlockC, a traceability platform for environmental assets using blockchain technology. He was the CEO of Alana Foundation and ArapyaĂş Institute, family foundations that promote sustainability, social justice and education. Marcelo is a co-founder and was the facilitator of the Brazilian Coalition on Climate Forest and Agriculture, a multi-stakeholder forum with representatives from academia, business and civil society to implement a…

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Martina Larkin

Martina Larkin is CEO of Project Liberty, a ground breaking new initiative to transform how the internet works. Martina is a recognised international executive well versed in innovation and the world of international economics and politics. Before joining Project Liberty she was Vice President for Global Issues at System, an AI and data science company. Prior to that she spent 16 years at the World Economic Forum where she was a member of the Executive Committee. Martina is a member of `several non-profit boards, including the European Institute of Innovation and Technology of the European Commission; the international advisory panel for the Future of Science and Technology of the European…

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Negusu Aklilu

Negusu Aklilu is an environmental advocate and Coordinator for Destiny Ethiopia Initiative at the Forum of Federations. As one of Ethiopia’s most influential environmental advocates, he provided strategic leadership for environmental advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns as Director of the Forum for Environment. Negusu previously served as Climate Change Advisor to the Department for Democratic Development. He also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Akirma: A Magazine on Environment and Development, and as Co-Editor of the Ethiopian Environment Review, which he launched in 2010. Negusu has successfully spearheaded and played key roles in national and international initiatives for conservation and sustainable use of environmental resources. He co-founded and currently co-chairs the Ethiopian Civil…

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Habib Rahman

Habib Rahman is an influential policy maker and a senior researcher and analyst for Hambastagi Consultancy Group (HCG) in Afghanistan. HCG plays an active role in building a secure, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan, by strengthening institutions and programs in both the public and private sectors. To achieve this goal, HCG draws on two types of organizational assets. He previously served as a senior policy advisor to Minister Mohammed Haneef Atmar in several government ministries, including Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Education, where he played a pivotal role in developing the first National Educational Strategy for the post-Taliban education of 6.2 million boys and…

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Carl Mossfeldt

Carl Mossfeldt works independently to support companies and public bodies in their efforts to drive systemic change. In the last few years, much of his work has focused on developing new strategies and partnership for social and physical rejuvenation of low-income urban areas. He has also worked extensively to develop models that harness in a positive way the power of private capital to drive development and climate mitigation. A basic insight guiding his work is that neither current market-based models, nor government at different levels, have the necessary capacity to meet the multifaceted challenges ahead: new management models, new legal and financial tools and, by extension, a new understanding of…

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