Katrin Eggenberger named Minister for Foreign Affairs, Justice, and Culture to Liechtenstein

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An Olympian and Role Model, for Africa and Beyond

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The power we all have to be change makers | TEDxLagos

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New York Times: ‘You Are Killing Us? We Will Make You a Joke.’ Meet Ahmed Albasheer.

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Yalies make their mark as ‘human bullets’

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Yale European Studies Council’s Spotlight of Scholars: Interview with Nizam Uddin

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Workshop series examines rights of indigenous peoples

In October 2019, the Third Committee of the General Assembly convened to address the rights of indigenous peoples. Diego Tituaña, a 2019 World Fellow and a diplomat of the Ecuadorian Foreign Service, led a delegation of Yale students to New York to meet with the delegates representing Member States and UN officials. Diego, a Kichwa Otavalo, also hosted a workshop series for Yale students on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

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Striking Deals: Activism and the Art of Conservation

Recognizing the growing frustration with the global inaction regarding climate change, the 2019 World Fellows, led by Alex Muñoz, and their Yale student liaisons organized and led a demonstration during the UN Climate Change Week. The rally included a march and speeches calling for climate change to be taken more seriously around the world. Muñoz commented “I believe that everybody should get involved in this global movement because all together we will be more effective in changing the agenda. With the help of the other World Fellows, we had around 200 people demonstrating in front of the Sterling Library, which was a great feeling.”

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National Geographic Pristine Seas

The ocean. It covers 70 percent of the planet and shelters an incredible diversity of life. It gives us food, jobs, and more than half the oxygen we breathe. We swim and sail it, travel to be near it, and learn from it. But we’re taking too many fish out of the ocean, polluting it, and making it warmer and more acidic. And less than eight percent of it is protected.

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Episode 38: 2019 World Fellow Ahmed al-Basheer

Ahmed al-Basheer talks about how his life was changed by the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, why he became a comedian, the protests in Iraq, and his hopes for his country.

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