Episode 43: 2020 World Fellow Ambroise Brenier

Ambroise Brenier explains what led him to become an environmentalist and his work for the Wildlife Conservation Society in Madagascar and Papua New Guinea.

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Sharing grandma’s old fashioned ways to inspire new waste reduction habits

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Striking Deals: Activism and the Art of Conservation

Recognizing the growing frustration with the global inaction regarding climate change, the 2019 World Fellows, led by Alex Muñoz, and their Yale student liaisons organized and led a demonstration during the UN Climate Change Week. The rally included a march and speeches calling for climate change to be taken more seriously around the world. Muñoz commented “I believe that everybody should get involved in this global movement because all together we will be more effective in changing the agenda. With the help of the other World Fellows, we had around 200 people demonstrating in front of the Sterling Library, which was a great feeling.”

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