Episode 43: 2020 World Fellow Ambroise Brenier

Ambroise Brenier explains what led him to become an environmentalist and his work for the Wildlife Conservation Society in Madagascar and Papua New Guinea.

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Research on Water Infrastructure Offers Insight on Sustainable Development

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Yale Greenberg World Fellows Interview Series: Alex Muñoz

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Yale Greenberg World Fellows Interview Series: Rebecca Sullivan

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Good Society Forum: COVID, Climate Change and Conflict Resolution

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Rebecca Sullivan appears on Australian “Good Cooks” show

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Sharing grandma’s old fashioned ways to inspire new waste reduction habits

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National Geographic Pristine Seas

The ocean. It covers 70 percent of the planet and shelters an incredible diversity of life. It gives us food, jobs, and more than half the oxygen we breathe. We swim and sail it, travel to be near it, and learn from it. But we’re taking too many fish out of the ocean, polluting it, and making it warmer and more acidic. And less than eight percent of it is protected.

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Episode 36: 2019 World Fellow Alex Muñoz

Alex Muñoz talks about why he became a human rights lawyer in Chile, the importance of freedom of expression, his work as National Geographic’s Pristine Seas Director for Latin America, and the protests in Chile.

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Episode 6: 2016 World Fellow Gernot Laganda

Gernot Laganda reflects on how international organizations address aid, development, and climate change.

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