Jad Maalouf is a judicial inspector with the Lebanese Judicial Inspection Commission, which is tasked with monitoring the judiciary and investigating and prosecuting corruption and misconduct. Jad is dedicated to working with public institutions to initiate and implement sustainable reforms and to promote integrity and transparency. For the past decade, he has focused on anti-corruption work and participated in drafting some of the main laws that have been enacted to combat and prevent systemic corruption and to increase transparency and access to information. He also leads a team working on the Implementation Review Mechanism for the UNCAC and the corruption risk assessment of laws and regulations.
Jadā€™s work focuses on the enhancement of the rule of law and the advancement of human rights. In his previous positions as a civil judge, Jad issued many landmark decisions in cases pertaining to due process rights, domestic gender-based violence, freedom of speech, protection of migrant domestic workers, and illegal detention. Jad is a lecturer at the American University of Beirut. He also presides, pro bono, the internal dispute resolution commission of the Lebanese Red Cross Association.