Muluemebet "Mulu" Chekol Hunegnaw is the Vice President for Strategy and Measurement at HIAS, a refugee assistance organization guided by its Jewish values. She is responsible for providing leadership in strategic planning, articulation of organization-wide strategic framework, and instituting a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system for its international and U.S. programs and to monitor organizational performance.
Mulu has over 20 years of leadership experience in international development and recently served as the Senior Director for Save the Children’s Global Monitoring and Evaluation and Knowledge Management department. Prior to that, Mulu served as Director of Programs for Africa Region, Director of South Sudan and Somaliland Country Offices and Regional Advisor for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at Save the Children. Mulu has also worked for the US Agency for International Development as the Mission’s Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor working closely with various U.S. Government partner organizations.