Ying Lun “Allen” FUNG is Vice President, Business Development for Aerospace Technology Group Hong Kong. Prior to this he served as Political Assistant to Secretary for Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Before joining the government in 2014, Allen was a personal assistant to Mr. CY Leung from 2006 to 2012 and advised on his successful Chief Executive election campaign. Allen has extensive experience in politics and public administration in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland. He is a member of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies and the All China Youth Federation, and Standing Committee Member of the Guangdong Youth Federation. He was Vice President (External) of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union and Chairman of China Study Society, HKUSU, while he was an undergraduate.
Allen has a BA degree in History and Political Science and an MPA from the University of Hong Kong. Beside his work in the public administration sector, he has profound interest in history of China and the world, especially in Chinese philosophy and literature and the modern world system. As a Chinese national born, raised, and educated in Hong Kong, Allen has a unique angle in comprehending contemporary international affairs and is keen on building a bridge between China and the world that is based on mutual understanding and trust.