Alex Muñoz Wilson

Alex Muñoz Wilson is National Geographic's Pristine Seas Director for Latin America. He has been the driving force behind the creation of the seven largest fully-protected marine reserves in Latin America, covering 1.2 million square kilometers of ocean. He has also led many important ocean policy changes in Chile, including making it the first country in the world to legally protect all of its seamounts from destructive fishing; reforming Chile’s fisheries law to require science-based quotas and reduce incidental mortality of species; stopping coal-fired power plants from destroying marine habitats and fishers’ livelihoods; protecting vast areas of Patagonia from salmon farming; establishing the first regulations to reduce antibiotic use and…

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Paula Escobar-ChavarrĂ­a

Paula Escobar-ChavarrĂ­a is a leading Chilean journalist and writer and currently serves as Opinion Columnist for La Tercera, Professor at Universidad Diego Portales, and board member of the Young Global Leaders Foundation of the World Economic Forum and of ComunidadMujer. She launched Cátedra Mujeres y Medios at University Diego Portales to develop research and reflection about gender issues in media. Previously, she was Magazines Editor for Chile's newspaper El Mercurio, where she oversaw six weekly publications and wrote columns and articles. Previously she was the youngest person ever to serve as Editor-in-Chief for Caras magazine, where she led the publication to an increase in circulation and influence over the course…

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Carmen Dominguez

Carmen Dominguez is the special advisor to the High Commissioner of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Switzerland. Before that, she was Deputy Representative of the Chilean Mission to the UN in New York City. Carmen was previously Director of Strategic Planning at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. Until recently, she was the Mason Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in the Mid Career Master in Public Administration program. Until July 2013, she served as the Deputy Permanent Representative of Chile to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Carmen has mainly worked in the economic and trade area,…

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Yale Greenberg World Fellows Interview Series: Alex Muñoz

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Episode 36: 2019 World Fellow Alex Muñoz

Alex Muñoz talks about why he became a human rights lawyer in Chile, the importance of freedom of expression, his work as National Geographic’s Pristine Seas Director for Latin America, and the protests in Chile.

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