Xenofon Avlonitis

Xenofon Avlonitis is a finance expert serving as Executive General Manager, Group Compliance Officer, at Alpha Bank, a major financial services corporation based in Greece that operates across Europe. In this role, Xenofon supervises Alpha Bank’s Compliance Unit for managing the compliance risk of the Bank and its Group Companies, specializing in the local regulatory framework in Greece and abroad. His mission is to ensure the full adherence to all regulatory requirements pertaining to the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Policy and the Group Compliance Policy. For 10 years prior to that, Xenofon was Vice Chairman at the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC), where he played a…

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Elinda Labropoulou

Elinda Labropoulou is an award-winning multi-platform storyteller. She is an internationally published writer, senior broadcaster, and presenter with extensive reporting from global hotspots for leading media including CNN, The Washington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, and Deutsche Welle. Working for CNN out of Greece, she has produced, directed, and presented news and analysis on the country’s financial crisis, the rise of political extremism, and the ongoing global refugee crisis. Her extensive research and multifaceted storytelling are visible in diverse projects including the Washington Post’s A New Age of Walls, which won the US National Press Foundation’s 2017 Innovation Award. In 2020 she produced Life in a Camp, a pioneering CNN-Imperial War…

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Elpida Rouka

Elpida Rouka has most recently served as Chief of Staff a.i. to the UN Special Envoy on Syria whom she joined in September 2014. She remains part of his core good offices team to date. Previously, she was in Jerusalem where she led the political team for the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, an office which was set up after the Oslo Accords. She has worked for the United Nations for over 15 years and has most recently served as Principal Political Adviser for the UN's Special Political Missions both in Iraq (2007-2009) and in Afghanistan (2010-2012) where she has dealt with aspects of facilitating…

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