Four Steps of Building Trust For Inclusive-Cities to Fight COVID

All of us are highly impressed with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s leadership in steering her country through the coronavirus crisis. It is now one of the first countries to announce it is coronavirus free. This was possible because of the high trust relationship between citizen and government so that they were able to exercise a “social license”.

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Good Society Forum: Credible voices and communication strategies for COVID19

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One cop's fight against fake news is saving lives in India

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Meet Rema Rajeshwari the IPS officer leading a war against fake news in a Telangana district

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The Indian policewoman who stopped WhatsApp mob killings

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How mapping harassment is creating safer communities across India

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Episode 23: 2018 World Fellow ElsaMarie D’Silva

ElsaMarie D’Silva, Indian gender activist and founder and CEO of Red Dot Foundation, highlights the extent of sexual violence against women in India, the impact of SafeCity, and why the future is female.

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Episode 19: 2017 World Fellow Raheel Khursheed

Raheel Khursheed describes growing up in Kashmir. He pursued a career in journalism. He then worked to democratize information, help governments do their jobs with accountability and transparency, and enable meaningful citizen engagement. He heads up News Partnerships for Twitter in India and South East Asia. 

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