Sati Rasuanto

Sati Rasuanto is the Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer of VIDA, a digital identity company based in Jakarta that promotes digital trust and inclusion. She was previously the founding Managing Director of Endeavor in Indonesia, an organization that supports a global network of high-impact entrepreneurs by helping them scale up their leadership and companies by connecting them to networks, knowledge, talent, and investors, and by providing them with a platform to give back to the next generation of entrepreneurs. Previously, as Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, Sati helped shape Indonesia's development agenda and formulated strategies to increase investment flows into the country. She…

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Kamala Chandrakirana

Kamala Chandrakirana is a human rights activist and currently a member of the UN Human Rights Council’s working group on laws and practices which discriminate against women and the UN Social and Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific Working Group on Women, Peace and Security. In 2009, she was part of a group of activists, academics, and religious scholars who founded Musawah, a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family. In Indonesia, since completing her 6-year term as Chairperson of the National Commission on Violence Against Women in 2009, she has been active in various civil society organizations, including serving as coordinator of a national coalition…

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Rahimah “Ima” Abdulrahim

Rahimah "Ima" Abdulrahim is the Director of Public Policy for Southeast Asia (Established Countries) for Facebook Asia Pacific. Prior to this, she served at The Habibie Center, one of Indonesia’s leading think tanks focusing on democracy and human rights, for 19 years, serving as their executive director for 9 years (2010-2019). She has 20 years advocating for peace and democracy in Indonesia and travels extensively to speak about good governance, democratization, and the role of civil society in Southeast Asia. In 2017, Ima co-created, with World Fellows Stephen Shashoua (2015) and Abdul-Rehman Malik (2017), CERITA (Community Empowerment for Raising Inclusivity and Trust through Technology Application), a project using the art…

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Stephen Shashoua

Stephen Shashoua is a seasoned programme designer, trainer, and capacity-building specialist committed to fostering peace, cohesion, and preventing violent extremism through innovative approaches at the intersection of peacebuilding, identity, and culture. With over two decades of experience spanning diverse regions and sectors, Stephen brings a wealth of expertise and a track record of impactful leadership to his work. As the former Director of the UK-based 3FF (Three Faiths Forum, now Faith & Belief Forum) for over a decade, he spearheaded the development of pioneering social cohesion programs aimed at promoting interaction and learning between people of different faiths and beliefs. Under his leadership, the organization grew from a staff of…

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Ann Thomas

Ann Thomas is Senior Advisor, Sanitation and Hygiene at UNICEF. She is an environmental engineer with over two decades of development experience, within the UN system and aid organizations in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Her passion is driving strategic policy decisions in the WASH sector – an often-overlooked investment-multiplier in emerging economies – that translate directly to improved health and economic development outcomes. Ann has served as advisor to national governments across Africa and Asia, aligning national strategies for water and sanitation with global best practice, climate change considerations, and innovative financing opportunities. Ann’s work is motivated by front line experiences in disasters and cholera outbreaks, witnessing the disproportionate…

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Daniel Ziv

Daniel Ziv is a documentary filmmaker, author, and social justice advocate. A native of Canada, he moved to Jakarta in 1999 and has since been documenting society in the country’s bustling capital. His 2014 feature-length film “Jalanan” is a gritty portrait of Indonesia through the life stories of three marginalized Jakarta street musicians. It became the first Indonesian documentary in history to be released in commercial cinemas across the country, was adopted by Jakarta’s governor as a tool for social policy change, and has traveled to 60 international film festivals and won 12 awards. Daniel founded and edited the popular and irreverent Djakarta! magazine, and he authored the urban pop…

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Arif Zamhari

Arif Zamhari is a social activist based in Indonesia working to promote moderate and progressive Islam. He is committed to engaging civil society in countering terrorism and promoting tolerance through dialogue and education. Serving as Deputy Director of the International Conference of Islamic Scholars, Arif is devoted to interfaith discourse and is involved in Track II diplomacy through leadership of the International Conference of Islamic Scholars Forum. Arif is also a lecturer in theology and psychology at the State Islamic University in Jakarta and the State Islamic Institute in Surabaya.

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Ambroise Brenier

Ambroise Brenier is currently Senior Natural Resources Management Specialist at the World Bank. He previously served as the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Country Director for Papua New Guinea. In PNG, he led the largest field conservation program in a country home to the third largest tropical rainforest in the world and surrounded by the world’s most diverse coral reefs. Ambroise and his team worked with the government and hundreds of indigenous communities around the country to triple Papua New Guinea’s marine protected areas coverage, preserve intact forests, promote the sustainable use of natural resources, and improve people's livelihoods. Prior to this role, he led the Wildlife Conservation Society’s marine conservation efforts…

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JALANAN on CBC's 'The National' (Canada)

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