Minami Tsubouchi

Minami Tsubouchi is an entrepreneur in the field of leadership development with a particular focus on youth under adversity. She founded BEYOND Tomorrow to support young victims of the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident that hit the northeast coast of Japan in 2011. Believing that great leaders can rise out of adversity, she has supported more than 700 young adults suffering from traumatic experiences to overcome hardship as budding leaders who can make a difference for society.  Minami worked in Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attack, engaging in humanitarian assistance, and she worked in Bahrain during the Arab Spring as a member of the Kingdom’s Economic Development Board. Her…

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James Kondo

James Kondo is Chairman of the Board of the International House of Japan, a nonprofit funded by the Rockefeller Foundation that promotes cultural exchange and intellectual cooperation between the peoples of Japan and other countries. James is also President of Asia Pacific Initiative, Co-Chair of World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan, Co-Chair of Asia Society Japan Center, Co-Chair of Silicon Valley Japan Platform, Visiting Professor at Hitotsubashi University, Visiting Professor at Keio University, and Senior Advisor at Geodesic Capital. Previously, James was Vice President of Twitter Inc. and Chairman of Twitter Japan, Special Adviser to the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan, on the faculty…

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Mitsuru Claire Chino

Mitsuru "Claire" Chino is Managing Executive Officer of ITOCHU Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company headquartered in Japan, and she is President & CEO of ITOCHU International Inc., a subsidiary of Itochu in New York, overseeing North America. Before assuming her position in New York, she was General Counsel of Itochu, and prior to that, a partner with an international law firm. In 2013, she became the first female executive officer of any major trading company in Japan. Claire has received several recognitions, including from the World Economic Forum (Young Global Leader), Asia Society (Asia 21), the U.S. Japan Foundation (USJLP Fellow), and is a Smith Medalist. She has also…

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Kazushige Tanaka

Kazushige "Kazu" Tanaka is a senior government official of Japan working for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as Director of Policy Planning and Coordination Division, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau. As one of the Japanese ministry’s leading policymakers, Kazu has worked to create a more efficient and environmentally friendly economic system. He has served as a diplomat serving on his country's delegation to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA). He has held a number of critical positions in METI and other government agencies, including the Governing Board Representative of Japan to the IEA, and the Vice Chair of the Standing…

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Lin Kobayashi

Lin Kobayashi is Founder and Chair of the Board of UWC ISAK Japan (formerly known as ISAK), a residential high school that opened in Karuizawa, Nagano in 2014. The mission of UWC ISAK Japan is to nurture transformational leaders who explore new frontiers and make a positive impact today and in the future. UWC is an international education organization founded in 1962 which aims to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures and prides itself in deliberate diverse student body through working closely with national committees in more than 160 countries and territories worldwide. Prior to UWC ISAK Japan, Lin had worked for Morgan Stanley in Japan…

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