Imane Rtabi

Imane Rtabi is a Moroccan information technology entrepreneur and has been instrumental in leading and developing the country's information technology infrastructure through her company, Maghrebnet. Initially founded to bring internet access to homes and businesses in Morocco, Imane restructured Maghrebnet to focus on the integration of communications solutions within large infrastructures, including network installations, perimeter security, electricity and green energy, establishing the company as a major solutions integrator in Morocco while expanding to neighboring countries. Imane co-founded and co-chairs INC Group, an investment company involved in renewable energies, light steel construction, and electrical panel building and distribution. She formerly served as vice president of AFEM in charge of International Relations (The Association…

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Kamal Amakrane

Kamal currently leads the Global Centre for Climate Mobility, advancing various regional initiatives, including the Africa Climate Mobility Initiative, a joint undertaking by the AU, UN and the World Bank to address climate-forced migration & displacement in the continent. He also spearheads the Rising Nations Initiative, a UN Member States-led initiative focused on protecting the statehood & sovereignty of Pacific atoll island countries facing existential threat from rising sea level. Kamal has been a faculty member of Columbia University since 2018, where he co-chairs the University’s Climate Mobility Network and works on advancing efforts to address climate forced migration. In 2018, he directed the Migration Consensus Initiative at the Columbia University Global Policy Initiative. During the intergovernmental negotiations for the Global Compact for Migration (GCM),…

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Reda Oulamine

Reda Oulamine is lawyer strongly committed to legal reform in Morocco, and is a senior attorney and founder of Oulamine Law Group which specializes in business, corporate law, and legal reform consulting. In 2009, he created Droit et Justice, an NGO that promotes the rule of law and human rights in Morocco by advocating on behalf of vulnerable social groups and working pro bono for impoverished citizens with limited access to justice. Reda served as an election observer in Tunisia, as part of an effort by the Carter Center to demonstrate the support of the international community for democratic transition in that country. Previously, he worked as an attorney in…

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Aboubakr Jamaï

Aboubakr Jamaï has been the Dean of the Institute for American Universities School of Business and International Relations since 2014. Aboubakr's professional career spans the business sectors of finance, economics, and journalism. As a professor, he teaches political science and international journalism at IAU and other American institutions of higher education. Among the many prizes and distinctions he has received, he was named Harvard University’s Nieman Fellow in 2007 and Mason Fellow in 2008. He was also awarded the 2008 Tully Center Free Speech Prize, Newhouse School of Communication, Syracuse University, and the International Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists. In 2016 he was honored by the…

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