Fauziya Ali

Fauziya Ali is the Founder and President of Women in International Security (WIIS) Horn of Africa (HoA). She is an expert in governance, gender and human security. She is currently serving as the steering committee member for the inaugural Paris Peace forum under the leadership of President Emanuel Macron of France and an evaluating Judge for the Larsen Lam Iconiq impact awards under MacArthur Foundation. She also chairs a regional network of women peace builders in the Horn of Africa. She is currently working on a e-photo book dubbed “faces of resilience” as part of the 20th commemoration of women peace and security agenda. Prior to establishing WIIS-HoA, Fauziya served as…

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Brian LoBue

Brian LoBue is Co-Founder and Director of Kokoa Kamili Ltd. in Tanzania. Kokoa Kamili is a social enterprise focused on providing the highest quality Tanzanian organic cocoa to premium chocolate manufacturers while paying local farmers the highest prices for their cocoa. Previously, he was manager of the Enterprise Development Unit with TechnoServe in Tanzania where he worked with a team of local business consultants and food technologists to sustainably increase the profits of medium-sized food processors and improve the quality of their products. Prior to TechnoServe, Brian was a Senior Consultant in the Management Consulting practice at BearingPoint, Inc. in McLean, Virginia. Before attending the Yale School of Management, Brian…

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Subhashini Chandran

As Vice President, Social Impact, Asia Pacific (AP) at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth (CFIG), Subhashini Chandran is responsible for overseeing, executing, and scaling the Center’s strategy in Asia Pacific, contributing to global and regional objectives. In her role, she drives all regional CFIG activity covering programs, data and insights, strategic engagement, and partnerships.  Subhashini has 25+ years of experience spanning the private and development sectors. She began her professional journey as an entrepreneur, growing her family’s tea farm in South India, to be one of India’s largest privately owned tea companies, employing ~7000 women. More recently, she has focused on the inclusion of small businesses and women-led enterprises…

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