Gonzalo Moratorio

Gonzalo Moratorio is Head of the Experimental Evolution of Viruses Lab at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo and Associate Professor at the University of the Republic, Uruguay. He has more than 15 years of experience in molecular and evolutionary virology, with postdoctoral training at the Institut Pasteur Paris. His research has resulted in seminal contributions to the fields of viral evolution and applied virology, using the mutational power of viruses against themselves. Co-author of more than 50 publications, in 2016 Gonzalo developed patents for RNA synthetic viruses as vaccines.  Elected to the UNESCO International Basic Science Program Board in 2021, Gonzalo, a science enthusiast and activist, advocates for basic research…

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Martin Inthamoussú

Martin Inthamoussú is a Consultant in Creative Economy and Cultural Public Policy. He is currently working at the Interamerican Development Bank at the Creativity and Culture Unit. He was President of SODRE in Uruguay, the oldest cultural institution in the country dedicated to culture and art promotion, arts education, and growth of traditions, taking its services to the whole country and beyond borders. Within the institution, Martín was commissioned to create the Contemporary Dance Department of the National Dance School, of which he is the founder. He has also developed different programs working on public policy towards access to culture for citizens in the whole country as a means of…

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Facundo Garretón

Facundo Garretón is an entrepreneur working in the intersection of technology, politics and life sciences, and a former member of Congress in Argentina. As an entrepreneur he is Founder of InvertirOnline.com, one of Latin America’s largest online brokerage firms, and Founder and Director of SociaLab, the most important platform for social entrepreneur in Latin America. Before serving as a Congressman, he sat on the boards of many internet companies throughout Latin America. Facundo is a member of the Endeavor network, promoting entrepreneurship in Latin America. He also participates as judge and selector at NXTP Labs, Start-Up Chile, Wayra, BID Challenge, and MIT Technology Review. In addition, he is part of…

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