Cristina VĂ©lez Valencia

Cristina VĂ©lez Valencia is currently the Vice president for Public-Private Partnerships of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and is in charge of programs to foster regional integration and economic development, as well as the Chamber's knowledge management among other programs involving public and private sectors. Until June 2019, she served as the Secretary for Social Integration in the Mayoralty of Bogotá. She oversaw a department with over 9500 employees and a budget in excess of $360 million. The department defines and implements social policy in a city of over 7 million residents and is responsible for comprehensive programs for early childhood, aging populations, homelessness, youth, people with disabilities, and…

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Henrique F. Salas-Römer

Henrique F. Salas-Römer is President of Proyecto Venezuela, one of the political parties that make up the Mesa de la Unidad Democrática, a coalition of opposition parties in Venezuela. Henrique is also Assistant Chairman of the International Democratic Union, a working association of over 80 Conservative, Christian Democrat, and other parties of the center and center-right from over 60 countries. Elected to the National Congress at age 32, Henrique served for two years before being elected Governor of Carabobo, the third largest state in Venezuela. He was elected to four terms as Governor of Carabobo, serving from 1995 to 2004 and from 2008 to 2012. As Governor, Henrique worked to create a…

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Carlos Vecchio

Carlos Vecchio is a Venezuelan lawyer, activist, and politician and was named by Juan Guaidó—and accepted by the United States—as Chargé d'Affaires of the Government of Venezuela to the United States. He is Co-Founder of Voluntad Popular, a Venezuelan social and political movement aimed at youth and working to eliminate poverty peacefully and within a democratic framework. A former Fulbright Scholar, Carlos has worked to expose constitutional and human rights abuses in his country and edited a documentary on political discrimination called The List. 

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Maria Corina Machado

MarĂ­a Corina Machado is National Coordinator of Vente Venezuela, the party of freedom and a liberal political organization born in 2013 and of which she is a founding member. She was the Member of the National Assembly of Venezuela elected with the highest number of votes of all the candidates for that electoral contest (2010-2015) and is one of the main opposition leaders in the country. Since 2017, she is a founding member, along with Antonio Ledezma and Diego Arria, and accompanied by an extensive National Council, of the SoyVenezuela platform, an alliance of large sectors of the country, with international projection, committed to the rescue of the Republic and…

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