The Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program is a four-month, full-time residential program based out of Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.
The Program provides World Fellows the opportunity to expand their vision, learn from each other, and grow personally and professionally. World Fellows contribute to Yale’s intellectual life, give talks and participate on panels, collaborate with peers, audit classes, and mentor students.
Key components of the Program are:
Good society. World Fellows present to each other their vision for making the world a better place, what they do professionally, and how they contribute to building the ‘good society.’
Salon. World Fellows host distinguished guests for discussions on key topics, expanding their knowledge and challenging their views.
World Fellows receive individual and group coaching and skills development training. World Fellows can audit many of the 2,000+ courses offered at Yale, work on individual or collaborative projects, and conduct independent research.
World Fellows give talks and participate on panels across Yale, sharing their knowledge and expertise with students and faculty.
World Fellows mentor students (both undergraduate and graduate) who apply to be their liaisons. The student liaisons assist World Fellows in putting on events and ensure that they are fully immersed in life at Yale.
The Program also includes trips to New York City and Washington, DC., and a retreat.