Raphaela Schweiger on AI and migration: How to bridge the gaps between the policy and tech world: technology in migration management

Friday, November 3, 2023 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM


Horchow Hall
103 (GM Room)
55 Hillhouse Avenue
New Haven
Code: HRCH


In a rapidly evolving world shaped by AI and other technologies, this workshop will explore its profound impacts on migrants and refugees and the management of migration. It will specifically focus on the critical need to bridge the gap between AI and other emerging technologies and the policy space, and engage participants in exchanging views on best practices for bridging the technology-policy divide.

Dr. Raphaela Schweiger is a 2023 Yale World Fellow and serves as the Director of the Migration Program at the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Her passion lies in strengthening global governance and tackling urgent global challenges. At the Robert Bosch Foundation, she leads efforts related to global migration governance, climate mobility, the future of refugee and migrant protection, and the impact of technology on (migration) governance.

Open To:

Graduate and Professional, Students, undergraduate


Dr. Raphaela Schweiger, 2023 Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellow


Jackson School of Global Affairs


World Fellows Program
Phone: 203-432-1910
Email: world.fellows@yale.edu

