Khuat Thi Hai Oanh is a medical doctor graduated from Hanoi Medical University, with a Master Degree on Sexual and Reproductive Health Research from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She co-founded the Institute for Social Development Studies (ISDS) in 2002, and the Center for Support Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) in 2010 – both are Vietnamese non-governmental organizations. Khuat is currently the Executive Director of SCDI. Aiming at contributing to Sustainable Development Goals agenda, SCDI focuses on community empowerment and creating enabling environment for the most marginalized and vulnerable populations, such as sex workers, drug users, people living with HIV, their spouses and children, poor migrants, ethnic minorities as well as LGBTIQA people.
In her other capacities, Khuat is the Chair of Vulnerable Community Support Platform of Vietnam (VCSPA), Chair of Council of Representatives of APCASO – an Asia Pacific network of civil society organiations working on health and human rights. She is a member of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Committee on HIV and Viral Hepatitis for World Health Organization.