Mosul & the Islamic State: Justice & the Future of Mosul

On July 21 at 10AM EST, the Program on Extremism at George Washington University will host an exceptional line-up of keynote speakers to launch the Mosul & the Islamic State podcast which features Omar Mohammed (2018 World Fellow). Reflecting on Mosulā€™s history, the ongoing pursuit of justice for Islamic Stateā€™s victims, and the prospects for the cityā€™s future, the opening session will be chaired by Program on Extremism Director Lorenzo Vidino and features: -Karim Khan QC, Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court -Professor Zeena Ghanim, Dean, School of Law Nineveh University -General David Petraeus, former Director of the CIA -Graeme Wood, The Atlantic & Yale University A moderated discussion…

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The Mosque and the State in a Multi-Party Democracy

Hosted by the Sanneh Institute and in partnership with the MacMillan Center at Yale, we invite you to join a virtual discussion about religion and state in Africa. The speakers include Idayat Hassan, 2015 World Fellow and Director of the Centre for Democracy and Development in Nigeria.

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