Anna Biryukova

Anna Biryukova is Head of Public Opinion Research at the Anti-Corruption Foundation (ACF), Russia's most significant opposition organization, founded by Alexey Navalny. Anna joined the team of the Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny in 2013 during Navalny's election campaign for Mayor of Moscow. Since then, Anna has run independent and unbiased surveys, nationwide polls and focus groups, always under immense pressure from Putin's regime. In 2019 she was forced to leave her home country. Russian authorities considered her work — political polling — to be a terrorist and extremist activity. Living in exile in Lithuania, Anna has never stopped doing her research work. As ACF's head of polling, she manages…

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Maxim Trudolyubov

Maxim Trudolyubov is Editor-at-Large at Vedomosti, a Russian business daily, and he is a Senior Fellow with the Kennan Institute where he writes The Russia File blog and oversees special publications. He also writes a weekly column in Russian on societal and institutional change in Russia and the former Soviet Union. He has anchored a talk show on the radio station Echo of Moscow and is regularly invited to comment for various news outlets in Russia and other countries. Previously, Maxim was Editorial Page Editor and Foreign Editor for Vedomosti, Editor and Correspondent for the newspaper Kapital, and a translator for The Moscow News, an English-language online newspaper. Maxim won…

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Mari Bastashevski

Mari Bastashevski is an artist, writer, and a PhD candidate at the NTNU art academy in Trondheim, Norway. Her past works – usually a result of extensive online and field investigations – integrate manifestations of information, photographs, and texts to explore the role of visual presentation in creating and sustaining state-corporate power. Presently, she is engaged in a number of collaborative art and technology research initiatives examining the historical nexus between ecology, technological and cultural, environmental, and political violence. She has exhibited with Bonniers Konsthalle, Maison Populaire, MusĂ©e de l’ElysĂ©e, HKW Berlin, Art Souterrain, Noorderlicht, and has been published in Time Magazine, The New York Times, Courrier International, Le Monde,…

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Alexey Navalny

Alexey Navalny is the leader of Russian opposition and the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. He has become well-known for his anti-corruption investigations against Russian state corporations and senior officials. Alexey participated in Russian presidential election in 2018, and in the course of the campaign he opened 81 regional headquarters all over the country. 41 of them are currently in operation, which makes his network the biggest opposition organization in Russia. In August 2020 Alexey was attacked with a Novichok nerve agent by Russian operatives and later sentenced to 9 years in a maximum security penal colony on charges of fraud and contempt of court. Due to fabrications of criminal cases,…

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Leonid Volkov

Leonid Volkov is a Russian politician of the Russia’s Future Party. Leonid was campaign manager and chief of staff for Alexei Navalny’s 2013 mayoral campaign for Moscow, as well as Alexei Navalny’s attempt to get registered for the 2018 presidential election. Currently, Leonid oversees all regional political operations of the Russia’s Future Party over Russia’s 11 time zones. He is a former deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma and the head of the central election committee of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council. Leonid has over 20 years of experience as an IT professional, running and consulting several of Russia’s largest software firms. Together with Fyodor Krasheninnikov he published three editions…

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Karina Dashko

Karina Dashko is a leading corporate governance expert representing a new generation of Russians committed to building a country based on the rule of law, market economies, and good governance. She is currently Director for Corporate Affairs at T Plus, one of Russia's largest energy asset management companies. Previously Karina worked as Director for Corporate Issues at Integrated Energy Systems, Corporate Governance Director in  UC RUSAL, the world’s largest aluminum and alumina producer, and was formerly head of the law department and chief compliance officer for VimpelCom, one of Russia’s leading providers of wireless telecommunications services. Karina has worked with the state Duma to develop programs for disclosing corporate information…

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Good Society Forum: Credible voices and communication strategies for COVID19

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How to defeat the epidemic and crisis

The whole world is experiencing a large-scale crisis associated with the coronavirus epidemic, and in Russia it is exacerbated by the economic crisis, the fall in oil prices and the ruble.

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5 steps for Russia

Alexey Navalny’s YouTube channel, his main social media platform, has 3.5 million subscribers.

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