Yale Cyber Leadership Forum | AI Ethics and Safety

The 2022 Yale Cyber Leadership Forum will take place as a series of hybrid in-person and virtual discussions, bringing together an impressive array of attorneys, technologists, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and academics to explore the national security challenges associated with artificial intelligence and machine learning. A collaboration between Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and Yale Law School’s Center for Global Legal Challenges, the Forum is directed by Oona A. Hathaway, Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law. This year’s Forum, Bridging the Divide: National Security Implications of Artificial Intelligence, will explore how advances in AI have the potential to dramatically alter the cybersecurity threat landscape. The Forum will…

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Political Competition as a Trigger for Instability in Africa

This webinar will explore how political competition devolve to destabilizing conflicts in Africa and the peculiar elements that make these trend rampant. It will interrogate various conflicts in the region and the nature of interventions that were deployed to address them. It will further explore the relevant steps and reforms needed to prevent these conflicts. It will also rely on firsthand account of mediators and political leaders in the panel to analyze the place of leadership and altruism in ensuring national stability and healthy democratic competition. Speakers: HE Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President Federal Republic of Nigeria (AU Special Envoy to Ethiopia) HE Mme Aminata Touré, Former Prime Minister of Republic…

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Community-Based Conservation in Papua New Guinea: Challenges and Opportunities

Ambroise Brenier, 2020 World Fellow, was the Country Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society in Papua New Guinea from 2016 to 2021. He will talk about the in’s and out’s of working with government and indigenous communities, from tackling illegal logging, to addressing unsustainable uses of marine and forest resources. Ambroise will discuss the particular challenges the conservation community is facing, and opportunities to increase conservation impact, in this spectacular and unique part of the world.

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Criminalizing a culture and a race — the Uyghurs’ struggle to survive China’s concentration camps and prison state

Since 2016, China has placed millions of Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples in the largest system of concentration camps since WWII where torture, slavery, and political indoctrination are the norm. Despite international criticism, the Chinese government has shown little to no sign of slowing down its racist erasure of Uyghur and Turkic identity. China’s repression has already reached North America, including here at Yale. A member of the Yale Community, Rayhan Asat, a World Fellow at the Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, has lost her brother Ekpar Asat, a prominent Uyghur tech-entrepreneur — to one of these prison camps. The Chinese government is currently subjecting Ekpar to the torture of…

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Fireside Chat with Abdi Ismail

Join 2021 World Fellow Abdi Ismail for a fireside chat about his career working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Most recently stationed in Yemen, Abdi was in charge of managing the security of ICRC staff, assets, and operations in a very volatile security environment. Open to Yale students.

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Last in Line? The Struggle for LGBTQ Rights in Peru, within the South American Context

Join Alberto de Belaunde, 2021 World Fellow, for a discussion on LGBTQ rights in Peru and South America. Open to Yale students.

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Moonlight Conversation on Loss, Grief, and Healing

Come and enjoy storytelling, music, and dancing with 2021 World Fellows Udo Jude Ilo and Korto Reeves. Open only to Yale students, registration at bit.ly/yasa-moonlight.

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Learning, Wellbeing, and Models of Innovation

The Global Health Studies Program will continue its Fall 2021 Global Health Speaker Series with the discussion, “Learning, Wellbeing, and Models of Innovation.” Questscope’s Founder Curt Rhodes and COO Muthanna Khriesat (a 2021 World Fellow) will address models of innovation and social entrepreneurship in their experiences with an international organization committed to social development, emergency assistance, and alternative pathways to learning for youths in the Middle East and North Africa region. Rhodes will join via Zoom.  The series—organized by Jackson Professor Catherine Panter-Brick and Jackson lecturer Cara Fallon—examines transformative relationships between health and a range of fields including public policy, law, technology, international relations, scientific research, economy, journalism, and more….

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Notturno – Virtual Movie Screening, Talk, and Q&A

Movie screening available on demand from Saturday October 2nd until Tuesday October 5th, 2021 (inclusive) to be followed by Panel and Q&A session on Wednesday, October 6th, 2021. Filmed over three years on the borders between Iraq, Kurdistan, Syria and Lebanon, Notturno captures the everyday life that lies behind the continuing tragedy of civil wars, ferocious dictatorships, foreign invasions and the murderous apocalypse of ISIS. Oscar® nominated and multiple award winner Gianfranco Rosi (SACRO GRA, FIRE AT SEA) constructs a sublime cinematic journey through the region finding peace and light within the chaos and despair in the aftermath of war. A mosaic of intimate moments and luminous images, Notturno is…

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KSA: The Past, Present, and Future

The 23rd of September 2021 marks the 91st National Day for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). On this occasion, the Council on Middle East studies would like to invite you to join Nora Al-Jindi, 2021 Yale World Fellow as she sheds light on the Story of KSA along with the recent significant initiatives that are reshaping the Kingdom. Special emphasis will be given to the role of KSA’s Vision 2030 in transforming the country, and the Saudi Human Capital to become exemplary global citizens. Open only to Yale students.

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